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What are Different Ayurveda Body Type: Vata, Pitta, Kapha Dosha Type

What is my body type according to Ayurveda?
This is rising query among all of us, nowadays.

There are three doshas – Vata, Pitta, Kapha. All 3 doshas are found in our body in a mixture but percentage of these will vary according to each person. 

In Ayurveda, an ancient Indian Medical system, identifying dosha is central part of the system. According to dosha type, treatment will be given.

Imbalance of these doshas  causes disease in our body. There are 75+ disease due to imbalance of vata dosha, 35+ due to pitta, 20+ disease due to kapha.

What are the three body type according to Ayurveda?

Ayurvedic body type is classified based on 3 doshas – Vata, Pitta & Kapha. These doshas  are combination of two energy elements out of basic natural elements – Ether/space, Air, Fire, Water & Earth.

5 Natural Element

Space/Ether represents cosmos, sound & frictionless. Sense organ associated with it is Ear.

Air represents Light, touch & subtle. Skin is the sense organ associated with it.

Fire constitutes energy, warmth, transformation and eyes is linked with it.

Water for taste, fluid, motion and organ associated with it is tongue.

Earth for smell, solidity, heavy force. Nose is linked to earth element.

Now we can see what constitutes these doshas,


Vata – Air + Ether

Its nature - Light, Dry, Cold, Clear, Subtle, Mobile, Rough.

Pitta – Fire + Water.

Its nature - Hot, Light, Sharp,  Liquid, Oily.

Kapha – Earth + Water

Its Nature – Slow, Cool, Smooth, Dense, Gross, Heavy.

What is Vata Body Type?

Vata Body Type

Vata dosha will be dominant in this body type. There will be other two doshas also, but Vata will be dominant.

 In general, Vata person are:

  •  Lean body
  •  Restless
  • Talkative
  •  Dry Skin
  • Thin Hair
  • Gaining weight will be hard for them, since they have fast metabolism.

Disease related to vata dosha can be seen in these people often. Balancing of vata dosha is important. Some of minor diseases are lower back pain, constipation, cough etc.

Food for Vata person

Common foods which need to consumed by vata people are butter, warm milk, fruits, cerals & hot water, spice like cloves, ginger, cumins, fatty food in moderation etc. If vata dosha is increased, dryness will occur, inorder to reduce dryness, eat more dairy products like milk, curd, buttermilk etc.

Check with Ayurveda practitioner and get vata balanced diet to stay healthy.

Exercise for Vata people

Vata people are highly energetic, they love to do fast paced exercise or cardio exercise. Since they are lean people, generally, thye should think of doing muscle building exercise. Yoga, pusp ups, going to gym etc are some of the options.

Vata sleep

Foot massage, full body massage with cooling oils like Fractionated Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil etc are good for good sleep. Sleep in good ventilated room. Do not watch TV or mobile an hour before going to sleep.

What is Pitta Body type?

Pitta Body Type

In this type, Pitta dosha will be dominant than other two doshas.

In general, they are

  • Active
  • Smart and dynamic personality
  • Perfectionist & Short tempered
  • Moderate build
  • They tend to speak loudly with confidence.
  • They are very social people.

Pitta dosha related diseases are seen in these people. People should take care of pitta dosha balancing. Minor diseases are rashes, acid reflux, restless etc.

Food for Pitta people

These people have more digestion and metabolism mechanism. Grains, vegetables, cereals should be taken more. Due to heat and acidity related issue in these people, refreshing food like salads, cold natural drinks like lemon juice, fruits like watermelon, mango, lemon etc should be consumed regularly.

Gets diet recommendation for pitta balancing from an Ayurveda practitioner.

Exercise for Pitta people

Pitta is linked to fire, these people have strong stamina, warm body and they are averagely build. They tend to like exercise belonging to weight lifting, build in muscles etc. To balance pitta dosha, one must do relaxing exercise like deep breathing, massage, Tai Chi, aromatherapy etc, yoga, meditation, walking, swimming etc.

Sleep for Pitta people

Foot massage with ayurvedic oils like Sesame oil, coconut oils, mustard oil etc are good for sleep. Sleep in cool room and use light blanket, so that there will be feeling of heat. Head massage with cooling oil is also preferable.

What is Kapha Body type?

Kapha Body Type

Kapha is dominant dosha in this type. These people are:

  • Calm, Cheerful & Lazy
  • Might be Stocky
  • Have low appetite & slow digestion. Likes tasty food
  • They are lethargic
  • Mostly have pleasant voice
  • Forgiving & Tolerant
  • Might be sentimental people.

Common disease related to kapha dosha seen in these people are obesity, heaviness feeling, swelling etc. If there are kapha imbalance, then accumulation of fat happens.

Food for Kapha

Avoid fatty foods, include food which produce heat in body like nuts, meats, high protein foods, spice, warm beverages.

Get diet recommendation for kapha  balancing from an Ayurveda practitioner.

Exercise for Kapha people

They are heavily build people and good physical strength. They are slow, difficult to motivate, gains fat, when kapha dosha gets excessive. They should do cardio exercise, fast paced exercise like jumpig jack, toe taps, alternate lunge.

Kapha Sleep

Kapha people are heavy sleepers. They should wake up early, to feel energetic & fastness. Set up alarm clock for waking up.

One will not have a perfect single dosha type personality. It will be mix of these doshas, depend on percentage of the doshas.

Examples are

Pitta + Vata

Pitta + Kapha

Kapha + Vata….etc

Check with a ayurvedic practitioner for identifying your body type. Only a Ayurveda practitioner can identify your dosha type.

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Read Ayurveda definition and meaning


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