Ayurveda is the traditional medicine system originated is Indian Subcontinent. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word derived from two words – Ayus & Veda Ayus means life, Veda means Science or Knowledge. Ayurveda means Knowledge of Life. History of Ayurveda Some scholars claims that Ayurveda was originated is prehistoric times. Some concept existed in Indus valley Civilization. The main text of Ayurveda is Sushruta Samhita. In this text, Sushruta mentions Dhanvantri, god of Ayurveda, incarnated as King of Varanasi and preached it to group of physician including Sushruta. Ayurveda is considered as Upaveda ( Auxiliary Knowledge ) and also found in Atharvaveda having 114 hymns described as magical cure for disease. What is the concept of Ayurveda? In Ayurveda, emphasize is given to balance and not suppressing natural urges. Unbalance & suppressing natural urges leads to unhealthy & illness. But balancing should be done reasonably and natural urges should be within limit. Huma...
Ayurveda - Yoga - Panchakarma - Spirituality